
Welcome to my blog! I created this blog as a journal to record my experiences in Namibia. Enjoy!

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Location: Bronx, New York, United States

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Law of Attraction

Just finished reading another great book. It is called The Law of Attraction by Esther and Jerry Hicks. The book basically discusses three universal laws, the most important of which is the law of attraction. This law says: that which is like unto itself is drawn. In essence, we control our entire lives by the way we think and we attract the people and events in our lives simply by how we feel and behave. Positive attracts positive, and negative attracts negative. The book really has some interesting insight. It is important, according to the authors, to always focus on the positive things in life- those things which bring us joy and those things that we want- without giving thought to the negative.
I am not sure why I mention the book now. Perhaps just to mix this blog up a bit. There is one interesting part of the book that applies to my trip here, in which the author discusses those in need: "Which is superior, uplifting another by believing in their success, or adding to their discouragement by noticing where they are? The greatest gift that you could ever give another is the gift of your expectation of their success." I came back to Namibia not out of guilt or out of sympathy for these children, but because I love them and I do believe that they are capable of great things. Their journey is harder and longer than most of ours, but they are capable. Hopefully when you read my blog you don't feel bad for the children, but instead you are inspired to do what you can to help others achieve their dreams. The most amazing thing about working with children is their purity- their ability to laugh, dream, and learn. In many ways it is difficult living day to day in a third world country, but at 1pm everyday my reasons for returning to Namibia are reinforced. A hug from Esme or throwing Salome in the air or hearing Tete laugh recharges my spirit.


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