
Welcome to my blog! I created this blog as a journal to record my experiences in Namibia. Enjoy!

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Location: Bronx, New York, United States

Thursday, April 06, 2006

The First Goodbyes

Hello again...
Yesterday we went to the Pink Kindergarten for the last time. Many of the kids are sweet, but saying goodbye was not hard- except perhaps for the realization that I will be saying goodbye to the BNC soon. Having only been to the Pink Kindergarten once a week, and even then not every week, I never really developed an attachment for the place. Plus, it was more of a school environment with me helping MB with crowd control and handing things out- I am not trained to teach and therefore was not that useful there to begin with. That being said, I did get to know a few of the kids there and I did have a nice time when I went. I invited Martha, the teacher there who is about my age, out to dinner last night to say goodbye. We had a nice time, and it was nice spending some time with her outside the classroom.
At the BNC we had a good day with computer games, soccer, and singing. Those kids are extra special and make every other program in Namibia seem boring. All the kids I invited to the airport have kept quiet and it looks like all 7 will be able to go with me. Little Esme is a doll... I am more and more impressed with her each and every day. In the evenings as I get on my bike to go home I first ride her a block away to her house. She is so cute the way she smiles the whole way and points her house out to me (even though I have brought her there 1,000 times) and then she jumps off the bike and goes running away laughing and smiling, forgetting to say goodbye! I will miss her a lot.
Hope all is well at home, have a great day!


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