
Welcome to my blog! I created this blog as a journal to record my experiences in Namibia. Enjoy!

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Location: Bronx, New York, United States

Monday, January 08, 2007

The Past Few Days

Good morning...
Today is Monday and all continues to go well here in Windhoek. Friday night we had a braai at the house for Kenny, who was leaving, and Joe, a peace corps volunteer, who had just arrived. Steve from the center came over as well as Fr. Rick and some more of MB's friends. We had a lot of food and it was a nice evening.
Saturday was a long day of soccer in the hot sun. Afterwards we went back to the center to play bingo while MaryBeth played tennis with her friend. While most of the kids behaved, a few were out of control and I had to send a few home and deal with the stress of all the kids after a hot day in the sun- by 5pm I was happy to see MB come back and we left to bring Kenny to the airport. Kenny brought along 5 children to the airport but couldn't fit any of them in his carry on luggage so he was forced to leave them behind. At the ticket counter the informed him that his flight was overbooked and that he could not fly- even though he had three more connecting flights to catch after that! So his departure was postponed for a day and we drove back to Windhoek. On the ride back in the back of the pickup the night sky was clear and there were thousands of stars and even some shooting stars. Rafalia was one of the kids in the back with me and she curled up in my lap to sleep and stay warm from the night wind. Holding her and keeping her warm reminded me of how great it is being here with the kids and made the stress of the bingo wash away.
Sunday Kenny and I went to the gym to work out. The old Tobias from last trip (there is a new one I just met today) bought a membership that is good through May so I will be able to use it as much as I want to. The rest of Sunday was quiet and relaxing and we got Kenny to the aiport again and sent him off. Seeing the kids saying goodbye at the airport reminded me that I will be doing the same in a little while. We dropped the kids off in Katutura around 9:30pm and the whole neighborhood was out and about. As we drove through, we saw a group of kids from the BNC so we pulled over and in the group was Dora back from the farm. Dora is a sweetheart who wrote me when I was back in the USA a lot- it was so great to see her.
So thats it for now... nothing too exciting, just news from the past few days. I would try to throw some pictures up but the internet is too damn slow this morning!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, Jim and Gert. Checking in regularly for your notes and news.
Martha and I are excited that you are there and confident you are enjoying every minute. I print off your news and share it with her.
Take care, love from all,
Rose Anne

8:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jim, This is the third time I am trying to send a message to you and Gert. If you get inundated with messages from me you will know why.
Happy to know Gert is there and in the swing. Give her my love and all her buddies in Montauk send theirs as well.
How lucky those children are to have you two there.
I love your blog.
Love and good wishes,
Sally Martin

10:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gert! We hope you are there in good health and enjoying the change from the dull routine of Montauk.Like Abe lincoln said in one of his letters to I can't remember her name} I commend you to the care of the almighty i.e. God bless you.Crank up the power & send us some news.Your anonymous friends Andy & Dottie.Don't drink the water try their kickapoo joy juioce instead.Con amor -los libros

8:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gert! We hope you are there in good health and enjoying the change from the dull routine of Montauk.Like Abe lincoln said in one of his letters to I can't remember her name} I commend you to the care of the almighty i.e. God bless you.Crank up the power & send us some news.Your anonymous friends Andy & Dottie.Don't drink the water try their kickapoo joy juioce instead.Con amor -los libros

8:05 PM  

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