
Welcome to my blog! I created this blog as a journal to record my experiences in Namibia. Enjoy!

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Location: Bronx, New York, United States

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Happy New Year

Good Morning... Most of you are probably returning to work today so to help distract you I will try to make this blog extra long. The past few days have been very nice and we have spent a lot of time with the kids.
Friday was a typical day at the BNC and at night we had Tara over for a delicious curry tofu dinner. She is a Namibian woman about my age who comes to the center twice a week or so to sing with the kids. MB would like to see her hired in place of Nelson who currently runs the center because, unlike Nelson, she takes an active interest in the kids, is reliable, responsible, and loving. Saturday was soccer day again. In the morning Kenny and I each coached one side of an under-12 team. I was also put in charge of refereeing a game and even got to play a game in the afternoon. When we got back, Kenny, Sarah, and I all went to Joe's Beerhouse for dinner. I went there last time I was here- the menu has all sorts of different game on it. The food was good and it was nice hanging out with the two of them. Afterwards, Kenny and I walked around town looking for a bar to go to but we couldn't find one that was open on a Saturday night- go figure.
Sunday was a great day- we surprised the kids with another pool party. We took about 60 children to the swimming pool and had a great time- I got my second sunburn. MB has thought about bringing the kids to the pool on a regular basis because they are always so well behaved and they have such a wonderful time. After the pool we returned to the center and Sarah handed out goodie bags to the kids since it was her last full day. The bags had toothpaste, a toothbrush, a bar of soap and a stuffed animal. She was very generous with her time while she was here and she is considering coming back in the spring. It was nice to have her around and the kids were sad to see her go.
For New Year's Eve we went over to Barbara and Uli's house for a raclette (spelling?). Many of the people that were at the Christmas party were at Barbara's- it was enjoyable. The New Year's celebration here is very similar to New York, except instead of a ball being dropped, they drag a lion carcass through town and cut off the head of a virgin- it's very quaint.
Monday we went right back to the BNC, but we got there early so Sarah could say goodbye and take a few children to the airport. With MB off to the airport, I was in charge of the center for the first time. It is a little hectic, but I kept things under control without any fatalities. For the most part, the children know now what to do, and how to do it, so they basically run themselves, I just oversaw everything. When MaryBeth's family comes to town in February I will be at the center running things for her- a challenge I am looking forward to. The key is confidence- the children can smell fear and prey on it.
In the evening Kenny, MB, and I were invited to the Maryknoll Sisters' house for dinner along with Fr. Rick and Fr. Dick and two Maryknoll Brothers. They are all interesting people and I enjoyed the conversations. The food was fantastic, too- more or less a Thanksgiving feast with turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, cranberry sauce and gravy.
I have really enjoyed the first 10 days- everything has been low key and fun. Everyday we bring rolls with peanut butter and chips to the center for the kids which is welcome treat for them considering the soup they usually receive is not served during the holiday. The first picture is of Romschel, Sarah, and Daphne outside the center- Daphne really took a liking to Sarah. The second picture is of me and Kenny emptying out the peanut butter into a giant tub. The last picture is at the Maryknoll Sisters' house. The idea of the picture was for everyone to make a silly face- and as you can see, those crazy nuns really know how to be wild.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh those crazy nuns out having a good ole time...Happy New Year

1:27 PM  

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