
Welcome to my blog! I created this blog as a journal to record my experiences in Namibia. Enjoy!

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Location: Bronx, New York, United States

Monday, April 03, 2006

My Last Weekend

Hello... the clocks have been turned back and the weather seems to be just a little colder now in the mornings. Considering how Namibia is just 20 degrees south of the equator, the temperature really is not all that hot, and they say the winters actually get cold- close to freezing at night. I am actually dealing with a sore throat that is either the result of the changing weather or the dry air- or more likely a combination of the two.
Everything is going well here. Friday was at the BNC and after 5pm we played another soccer game, but because there were only 4 adults who showed up, we just let the kids play with the adults split between the two teams. My beloved pumpkins insisted that I play on their time, and I obliged. They play soccer like bees swarming a nest... it is more or less a horde of girls around the ball, but they laugh and smile the whole time. Afterwards I played on the older boys team in a second game and I played horribly. In fact, the next day one of the guys, Brian who is about 14, came up to me and said, "You played really bad yesterday!" It is not that I had a bad game per se, it's that the previous two weeks I had exceptional games.
Friday night was a quiet, enjoyable evening. MB was housesitting for a friend, Michael went away for the weekend and Mark was on a date so Sebastian and I had dinner (Tobias, who no longer lives here, welcomed himself to some of it anywa) and afterwards we watched "The Groomsmen" which is one of the lamest comedies I have ever seen. The only reason we watched it is because there is no TV in this house (fortunately) and Sebastian found the movie on an external harddrive so we put it on.
Saturday was once again soccer day. The day was long, but enjoyable. I finished referreeing my games around 4pm but MB had one more to do so while she was doing that, I hung out with Wendy, Salome, Romashal, Antonia, and a few others. After the games, as the sun was setting, we walked back to the BNC to get our bikes and the kids followed. It was nice hanging out with them outside the center and MB gave them all sweets. I think the weekends can be rough for the kids sometimes because there is little to do and the adults are drinking more. A few days earlier I had taught Romashal the "Pull My Finger" joke where you pull a persons finger and fart. As we were sitting outside Romashal told me he done it to his little sister, Charlotte, the night before. My eyes filled with tears of pride and joy to think that I really have had a lasting effect on these children.
Saturday night was also low-key. We had talked about going out but instead just had Tim, Karina, Katrin, and AnnaKaren over for the evening. We tried to order pizza around 830pm but the pizzeria said they could not take any orders-they had run out of cheese!! Typical Namibia... The evening was nice, we sat around talking and dancing a little bit. This is a fun group to hang out with, and Germany is definately one of the places I would like to go and see.
Sunday was also very mellow. Mark, Sebastian, and I walked to the grocery store to pick up meat and things for a braai. We invited Steve over and the four of us sat on the front patio for a few hours and ate, talked, and relaxed. In the evening I cleaned up a little, folded laundry, read and then watched a movie with those two.
Hopefully all is well (and warm) back at home in the states. I look forward to catching up with everyone when I get home. So you know, I will likely update the blog a few more times here, but also when I get home I will write a few entries over the next month reflecting on my trip.


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