
Welcome to my blog! I created this blog as a journal to record my experiences in Namibia. Enjoy!

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Location: Bronx, New York, United States

Friday, January 05, 2007


Hello Again!
This morning is my back home from Swakopmund- Kenny and I went out Wednesday morning around 5:30 and returned Thursday afternoon. It is about a three hour trip the each way through the desert- it is a hot, dry land out there, but beautiful in its own way. We took the truck and I drove- which was interesting driving on the opposite side of the road. We got into Swakopmund around 9:30 and we checked in at the same backpacker's lodge from my last trip out there in March. During the day we drove to Walvis Bay- which is a port town 20 minutes ride south, and then we walked around Swakopmund, eating lunch by the lighthouse, window shopping, and taking a walk on the beach. (Re-reading that last sentence I feel the need to assure you that I am not gay- not that there's anything wrong with that.)
In the afternoon we signed up to do quad-biking in the dunes which turned out to be an amazing two hour experience riding through the dunes, kicking up sand, and racing down the sides of the dunes. It was somewhat expensive but worth every penny. The dunes are so awe-inspiring and to be surrounded in all directions by them is a great feeling. It was definitely the best tourist thing I have done in Namibia to date. If and when I return to Swakopmund, the only thing better to do will be to skydive!
Afterwards we went to the lodge, showered and went to the sundowner bar to watch the sunset. (Seriously, I'm not gay, it is just a cool bar and I happened to be accompanied with by a strapping, young Hawaiian surfer) We then went to dinner by the seashore under the stars (I'm not... oh the hell with it, believe what you want.) and out to a few bars.
On the ride home yesterday we stopped in Okahandja for more authentic replicas of African art. The car ride back was immensely hot and even in Windhoek it was probably the hottest day I have ever had here. Kenny and I were both anxious to get back to the BNC and when we pulled in I had a great surprise waiting for me- Esme was back at the center... the first time I have seen her since I returned- she is precious. (See photo) Steve, the 40-something volunteer from Seattle was also back and it was great to see him.
Finally, last night MB and I played tennis for almost 4 hours. We started by playing doubles with her two lady friends- doubles is slow and less fun. But the friends left around 7:30 and then MaryBeth and I played a match under the lights. I lost (grrrr...) 7-5, 6-4 but I can feel myself getting better and smarter- I hve 2 1/2 months to beat her... it could happen. I could barely move at the end, but it is a great workout and we have lots of great volleys, it is enjoyable.
Hope all is well back home. Got news from Aunt Gert that she is thinking about maybe giving the thought to considering coming out. I would love for anyone to consider coming out... the cost is a little steep, but if you do think you might consider it possibly, send me an email with any questions. (South Africa Air has a buy one get one free promotion going on!)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

me think thou dost protesteth too much

10:03 PM  

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