
Welcome to my blog! I created this blog as a journal to record my experiences in Namibia. Enjoy!

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Location: Bronx, New York, United States

Friday, January 26, 2007

Computer Games

Good Morning...
I picked up Aunt Gert on Wednesday afternoon with no trouble. She walked right through customs, into the pickup truck and went right to the center and began helping the children with their reading. She has already bought herself a clipboard and paper and pens and seems to have picked up where she left off teaching in Mt. Vernon, NY 15 years ago. In the evening, we returned to the house, put her things in our room, and then she treated me, MaryBeth, and the new girl, Ana, to Joe's Beerhouse. She had the game platter that I have described in the past with various wild game served on a skewer and she thought the food was "wonderful." On the way back to the house she rode in the back of the pickup truck. It is great having a familiar face around and she and I have our own room to share at the end of the house so she can snore all night and no one will hear her.
With her she brought a huge duffel bag full of clothes and computer games donated from people out in Montauk, NY. The clothes are beautiful but I was ecstatic to see so many great, useful educational software to use in the computer room. Some of the games are games that had been lost or stolen and many of the games were new ones. Since coming back in December, I have resumed the role of running the computer room so to see all the new software was especially gratifying to me because I have seen the same six games being used week in and week out.
Every child is enthusiastic about getting into the computer room for a 30-minute session on one of the eight computers. Everything about the computer room has become organised and efficient, thanks in large part to the one or two helpers I have everyday. I have my work cut out for me now, as I have to check out every one of the games to see which is appropriate for which age group, etc.
The first picture is of two kids in the computer room. The second is of Esme running back from the tennis courts during a torrential downpour yesterday. Enjoy the weekend!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Scooter: there is a great short story called "To Esme, with love and Squalor," written by J.D. Salinger in his collection of short stories, Nine Stories. That story is set in WWII Europe, and a young soldier who writes for the army newspaper or something like that meets a precocious girl named Esme who asks him to write a story in honor of her, and to fill it with lots of squalor. While the situation is different, i think you would enjoy the story, not only for the name of your little sweetie, but also for the sake of reading a fine and memorable tale. Eileen G.

5:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jim -
Don't keep us hanging we are missing the blogs, its a week since the last one!!!

8:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, Jim and Gert. Checking in regularly for your notes and news.
Martha and I are excited that you are there and confident you are enjoying every minute. I print off your news and share it with her.
Take care, love from all,
Rose Anne

5:53 PM

3:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jim, This is the third time I am trying to send a message to you and Gert. If you get inundated with messages from me you will know why.
Happy to know Gert is there and in the swing. Give her my love and all her buddies in Montauk send theirs as well.
How lucky those children are to have you two there.
I love your blog.
Love and good wishes,
Sally Martin

7:48 AM

3:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gert! We hope you are there in good health and enjoying the change from the dull routine of Montauk.Like Abe lincoln said in one of his letters to I can't remember her name} I commend you to the care of the almighty i.e. God bless you.Crank up the power & send us some news.Your anonymous friends Andy & Dottie.Don't drink the water try their kickapoo joy juioce instead.Con amor -los libros

5:02 PM

3:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just an FYI you want to post any messages to Aunt Gert on the latest blogs. I took the liberty of moving your messages to Aunt Gert posted on Jim's blog dated 01/07/07. to the most current one 01/26/07. Jim & Aunt Gert may have not seen them and I know she would love to hear from her good friends at Montauk

3:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You little monster. Get back to us. I miss you alot.
Rex is doing great. He's probably going to get a reversal. Will find out on Valentines Day.
Miss you, love you,

4:13 PM  

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