
Welcome to my blog! I created this blog as a journal to record my experiences in Namibia. Enjoy!

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Location: Bronx, New York, United States

Wednesday, January 24, 2007


Good Morning...
Another testament to MaryBeth's ability to make things happen occurred today. This morning I went to the local supermarket, Pick-N-Pay, to pick up a couple of bags of old bread for the kids at the BNC and I ended up driving away with three shopping carts full of bread! The back of the pick-up truck is stacked with bread. There must be enough bread in the truck to feed the kids for a week- all of it a day or two old and unsellable but still good.
MB started to get bread over the Christmas holiday to feed the kids at the center because over the holiday there was no one serving soup. That started with about 100 rolls with peanut butter and now we have reached truck loads of bread. The people at Pick-N-Pay have been friendly and helpful, though sometimes there does seem a slight resentment that a white guy is walking out the backdoor with tons of bread.
The kids love the bread and Romachell is in charge of handing it out to all the kids. He usually takes a few volunteers to help him cut it and pass it out. That is another positive thing that has been happening at the center- the kids have been taking charge and being responsible. The older kids and the kids that have been there longer keep their eyes open and lead the newer and younger kids by example. Romachell does the bread and even helps run the assembly when the kids first arrive. Jennifer, Elfriede, and Hilde help keep control. Wendy and Charlotte help run the computer room. And Edelsine practically runs the center by herself. She is about 10 years old, weighs no more than 60-pounds, and she is MaryBeth's personal assitant. (See picture) The days MaryBeth is late or not there, I literally hand Edelsine the keys and ask her to take care of things. She is always one step ahead of MaryBeth, reminding her of an open door, a child that needs something, or finding something that MaryBeth has misplaced. She is very sharp and always at MaryBeth's side. It is great to see the kids taking control of the center, hopefully they can keep it afloat when MaryBeth leaves and keep the adults from running it into the ground!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The loaves and fishes miracle continues.

God helps those who help others!

keep up the good work.

See you soon.

12:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The loaves and fishes miracle continues.

God helps those who help others!

keep up the good work.

See you soon.

9:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yea, yea, yea...bread good. How does it feel to be walking around with the Namibian version of Grorge Washington, Ben Franklin, John Adams and Tommy Jeff? The government there is what, 17 years old? I have a NY Giants sweatshirt older than that!

3:51 AM  

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