
Welcome to my blog! I created this blog as a journal to record my experiences in Namibia. Enjoy!

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Location: Bronx, New York, United States

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Weekday Update

Good morning everyone, it is a grey, rainy morning here in Dublin, er, Windhoek. The past few days have been nice with no major updates or happenings, but I will still ramble on ad nausem about the slightest little details since that is what you have come to expect.
Tuesday was just the BNC in the afternoon and it was another day in the computer lab. When I leave, I think I will feel satisfied that if nothing else, I helped establish the computer room as a place where the kids can go have fun and learn at the same time. At night we celebrated Mark´s birthday with a nice BBQ, beer, and cheap vodka. Everyone got together and bought him a little chess set which he seemed to appreciate. It was a nice evening with lots of drinking.
Wednesday morning was a little tough considering the night before, but like any dedicated volunteer, I pushed on and went to the Pink Kindergarten in the morning with MB. We worked in martha´s classroom teaching the kids colors and shapes and playing memory with them. Some of the kids are very bright. In the afternoon we went to the BNC and had another nice day. Last night was very quiet at the house and I spent most of it reading my book. Only 950 pages to go!
I got news via email that I was accepted into Hofstra Law School in Long Island. It is exciting to know I have options when it comes to deciding which school to attend. Still no word on Fordham and Villanova- but those are long shots. Hope all is well, I need to run and help tutor Abner in math. Have a great day!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will still ramble on ad nausem about the slightest little details since that is what you have come to expect

B.S. (from this older gal!)

NOT ONE "BLOG" has been a "ramble" ---- Each has been a wonderful insight into life there AND INTO THE MAN WHO IS WRITING THEM.

7:41 AM  

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