
Welcome to my blog! I created this blog as a journal to record my experiences in Namibia. Enjoy!

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Location: Bronx, New York, United States

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

The Past Few Days

Hello, All...
The past few days have been enjoyable. Monday was just the BNC which was nice. Wendy apologized for her behavior on Saturday which made me happy- hugs heal all wounds. I have been in the computer room over much of the last week trying to get a system going in there. The kids really enjoy the computer and there is always a long line waiting outside the door to sign up for a half hour timeslot. The computers are from last century so you can imagine they are a little slow and each one has its kinks. Fortunately Sebastian is an I.T. guy so he helps with all our problems.
Monday night Sebastian and I took the bikes out for another ride and we decided we would take a flatter route this time as the past two times we had dealt with a grueling hill. Unfortunately, Windhoek is virtually in the mountains so there are hills everywhere and that night we hit the mother of all hills... my lungs were on fire and my legs were like jelly after riding up the hill.
Tuesday I ran some chores in the morning, one of which was taking the truck to be cleaned because the owner of it, MB's friend Fr. Wayne, is returning from the States after two months and the truck had been trampled on by kids while he was away. Driving was an interesting experience as everything is on the opposite side, just like England. In the afternoon I headed over to the BNC and did more work in the computer room. Afterwards MB and I went to play tennis... she won 6-1, 6-1. Despite what the score may imply, we play many good volleys and both get a good workout. As we left on the bikes for home I noticed I had a flat tire... it seems everyday one of these bikes gets a flat tire from these pricker bushes that are everywhere.
Last night Isabel, a girl who works at the BNC with us, invited me, Mark, Sebastian, and Kristen to her house for her roommate's birthday party. Her roomates are a lot older than her and all the people were speaking German (surprise!) but it was still nice. If I didn't know better I would think the Germans were trying to revive colonialism here in Namibia. We got home around midnight and Mark, Kristen and I hung out in the living room for a couple of hours chatting and listening to music.
We are getting ready for a trip this weekend to Swakopmund and Spitzkoppe from Friday night until Tuesday which should be a lot of fun. Swakopmund is the coastal "resort" town here with sand dunes, beaches, boat rides, and quad biking. Spitzkoppe is a mountain in the desert which is apparently gorgeous and I am sure the stargazing is great.
Hope all is well at home. Thank you all for your emails... keep them coming!! (


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