
Welcome to my blog! I created this blog as a journal to record my experiences in Namibia. Enjoy!

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Location: Bronx, New York, United States

Monday, March 27, 2006

Weekend Update

Good morning, Everyone!
All is going well here in Windhoek. I haven't updated the blog in a few days and I have some good music playing on my iPod so this might get a little long winded.
Friday was a very busy day. In the morning we went to the Bridge school which is a 30 minute bike ride from the house and considering my the brakes on my bike rub the tire, it is a long ride! Regardless, it is a good workout and for the first hour at the Bridge school we do excercises and calisthenics with the kindergartners. Afterwards we played two hours of basketball with the girls. The kids there are friendly and if I spent more time there I am sure I would have developed some good relationships with them.
Speaking of good relationships, we left the Bridge school and headed to the BNC around 1pm. It is fun riding from the Bridge school to the BNC because we ride through Katutura and along the way you constantly hear some little one shouting "MaryBeth!" Occasionally I even hear "Scooter!" which is nice. A few blocks away from the BNC two girls, Quincy and Elfride (see photo), shouted at me so I stopped the bike and let them climb aboard and gave them a ride to the center.
At the center, I worked with the kids in the computer room- they really have done well with it lately and for the most part I can leave them unattended in the room, just checking in occasionally to make sure the computers are working. When signing kids up for the computer room, I have everyone line up against the wall outside (usually atleast 30 kids) and I make a schedule starting with the kids who haven't been in the computer room lately. I always reserve 4pm (the last time slot and because of that it often last longer than than the standard 1/2 hour) for my favorites- it gives me something to look forward to! Not surprisingly, Salome, Wendy, and Esmi often work together at 4pm.
As we were beginning to finish things up around 4:30 to head to the soccer field for another Volunteers vs. Kids soccer game, a fight broke out at the center. Gideon (a 20 year old neighborhood kid who helps serve soup and hangs out at the center) and some drunk guy began going at it near the entrance of the BNC, each of them with a stone in their hand and the drunk guy had a broken glass bottle. I told Gideon not to do anything stupid and to walk away but when he refused to back down, I told him to take it outside and to get away from the kids. They made it to the street, still circling each other, and many of the kids had ran up to watch at this point so I walked up to the two and tried to break it up before it got really crazy, but just as I pushed the two apart, Gideon threw a punch that busted the guy's lip and blood started pouring out. That was more or less the extent of the fight and Gideon came back into the BNC but the drunk guy followed him it, blood pouring out of his face. MB was a calming influence and defused the situation from escalating as she stepped forward and tended to the guy's wounds and calmed both parties down. This behavior, though the first that I have seen first hand here, is all too common in Katutura- men being irresponisble and bad role models for the kids. These kids are so smart and such loving souls, but their environment is going to destroy that. Many of the adults the encounter are horrible role models but unfortunately have the most lasting influence on many of them. It is not worth helping people who don't help themselves- I have no respect for people like that.
The day did get better though! We ended up playing soccer against the girls then the boys for over two hours. I really enjoy playing soccer- even if it is with a flat ball on a gravel field. The game against the boys was fun and competitive and they won 4-3. We played until the sun went down and we couldn't see anymore. Walking back to the BNC to get our bikes, MB and I were surrounded by kids who wanted to stay and hang out instead of going home- I was one of those kids! By the time we got home from the BNC around 8pm I was exhausted from all the sports and riding that I cooked some dinner, showered and hung out with the housemates for a bit then went to bed.
Saturday was soccer day as usual. It is an all day activity from 9-5 and I referred four boys games. The little boys games can be a little tedious but when the teenagers play it is usually a good game and fun to watch. Along with MB and I, there are a few other guys who help referree and coach the teams. Coach Willum is a Namibian guy who coaches 5 teams that play throughout the day. He is a really nice guy and one of the few Namibian men I have encountered who is a great role model. He has a great attitude and shows respect for others. Coach Lemmy is another good guy, but I have not had much interaction with him. The past two weeks aguy that MB plays soccer with on Sundays has come to the field to help out- his name is Eddie. He is originally from Tanzania but lives in Windhoek now and he is a great guy and another excellent role model.
After soccer ended, MB and some errands to run so I went with her in the pickup truck. We delivered some clothes to Martha at the Pink Kindergarten and then went back to Katutura to drop off food that Father Wayne (the owner of the pickup truck) buys every month for a little girl who is sick with AIDS and her family. Returning to Katutura was fun as many kids came running up to the truck to say hello, including Wendy and Esmi :-) Most of the kids live near each other so there are plenty of neighborhood children running around and playing.
Saturday night the housemates and I, along with about 5 others went out to a few clubs. The clubs were really empty but we had a nice time all the same. Alcohol makes me a great dancer and at one point I was in the middle of the dance floor circled by a group of Namibians dancing with some Namibian girl. I probably look like a fool, but it is fun having laughs with everyone. We got back around 3am and I passed out on the couch.
Sunday was very relaxing. I slept late, cooked some eggs for Sebastian and myself and then the housemates and I went over to Steve the Australian's hotel for a pool party. The sun didn't really come out so there was not much swimming but we had a nice BBQ and were there until about 6pm. Steve is a really nice guy who is here for a few months doing work with the Commonwealth Games. His work is done on April 12 and afterwards he has planned a 36 day tour from Cape Town, South Africa to Dar Es Salaam. From there he mentioned climbing Kilimanjaro and then probably heading further north toward Europe even.
There is not much time left here for me and I am trying to decide how I want to spend my last day here with the kids. I think I will have a little party at the center with all of them on Friday after 5pm and then on Saturday after soccer when I drive to the airport I will take about 5-10 of my favorites with me for the drive. I will really miss these kids. I am happy to see family and friends but truly sad to think I will not be with these children. It is a special feeling to have so much unconditional love. The dancing, the germans, and the sights have all been fun and memorable but Wendy, Salome (pictured), et al have touched my heart.


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