
Welcome to my blog! I created this blog as a journal to record my experiences in Namibia. Enjoy!

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Location: Bronx, New York, United States

Thursday, March 09, 2006


Wednesday was a nice day. As usual, the mornings were only a primer for the afternoons. We were at the Pink Kindergarten again and though the teachers are friendly, the children are a little out of control from time to time. MB loathes working with Kindergarten and Pre-K, and after spending enough time with them I can see why- you just cannot relate well with them and their attention span is minimal.
Onto the BNC we went from there where Suzmita had arrived early and I had the oppurtunity to sit down and talk to her and her family. She is so sweet and loving. She lives with her grandmother, two cousins, and two brothers. I didn't ask what happened to her parents, I can only imagine. She then told Isabel and I about the story of Anne Frank. She apparently read the book in class and her recounting of it was right on. She is very bright.
Speaking of great kids, there is Wendy. (The picture above is from a week ago after soccer) I mentioned her before and posted her picture but it seems everyday she surprises me with her intelligence and maturity. She was working in the computer lab when Denzel, the crippled boy, came into the room looking to play on the computer. Since there are only 3 working computers, Wendy offered to share with Denzel and sat there patiently and helped guide him through the game with her. Not once have I seen her complain, argue, or raise her voice, unless you consider laughing as raising your voice. I pulled her aside (after she quietly, and without urging, helped cleanup the computer room) and praised her for being so wonderful, gave her a lollipop and told her that saying goodbye to her in April will be one of the hardest things to do.
After the BNC, MB and I played some more tennis. I lost 6-2, 6-2. On the bright side we had a bunch of really good volleys, we went to deuce in many games, and it was a good workout. That being said, I hate losing and was ready getting frustrated when MB told me, "Just ask yourself 'What would Wendy do?'" I tried to imagine Wendy smashing her racket and throwing all the balls over the fence in anger, but when I couldn't, decided to just take a breath and have fun, like Wendy. It really is a good challenge playing MB, and I can feel myself getting better.
Afterwards, we were invited to her friends' hotel, a German couple named Jurgen and Urmgard, for dinner. The have a little hotel on the other side of town and are huge supporters of MB. We ate in the little restaurant inside the hotel. I had oryx steak, pan browned potatoes, butternut squash and a salad... the food was amazing. Free food is always great but this was fantastic. They are really nice people and very hospitable.
Hope all is well in the states. I love waking up in the morning and getting emails from everyone. It's a nice way to start the day!!


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