
Welcome to my blog! I created this blog as a journal to record my experiences in Namibia. Enjoy!

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Thursday, March 02, 2006

The Pink Kindergarten

Good morning everyone...
We seem to have hit a stride where we are now in a routine so some of these days tend to blend a little. Every day is great but during the week the activities change little, just the little stories change.
Yesterday (Wednesday) I went with MB for the first time to the Pink Kindergarten for the first time. (I don't think it has an official name so since it is a Pink building the name will have to do.) An older woman named Veronica has built it and runs it. The building is new, clean, and beautiful with a courtyard on the inside. All the children are younger so the activities are simpler and less exciting. The teachers there are all young and enthusiastic about teaching. MB is friendliest it seems with Martha, a Namibian girl who is my age. All the teachers seem patient and motivated. MB brought her guitar and did some songs with the children. I find the song and entertaining crowds schtick is not my forte. Something about singing and playing instruments and 30 people looking directly at me. Not to mention I sing like a hyena! MB has begun to introduce the Simon & Garfunkel song "59th Street Bridge Song" to the kids and they love the chorus. ("La, la, la, la, la, la, la... Feelin' Groovy!")

From there we went to the beloved BNC. MB had her guitar so she played some songs for the kids there too- they loved it. Charlotte, the aspiring entertainer, and I were dancing to the music- she really enjoyed being lifted in the air and swung around. Of course then everykid wanted that so instead of throwing out my back we danced in a circle while MB played her music.
Salome and I read for a little bit. She is so wonderful and helpful. She is tiny and at the end of the day will stick around and help out. She also loves when I carry her around on my shoulders and let her wear my sunglasses. I want to bring her home with me.
I began to work with one kid in the past few days who must have a learning disability. He is around 12 but has the intelligence of a 4 year old. (His name is a Damaran name and I forgot it already) He sits in the corner and does nothing because he doesn't know how to do anything. I tried to work on him with spelling but he couldn't do it. Tried the ABC' s with him and ater 20 minutes of the first 3 letters, he couldn't grasp it. We moved onto Connect 4 and he couldn't get it. He even failed to understand the concept of dominoes. He is a challenge.

After the BNC, Sebastian and took a bike ride around Windhoek. For two weeks we had talked about jogging but he is too lazy- and so am I. It was a good exercise and we hope to do this on a regular basis. Last night Steve, the Aussie, stopped over and we all hung out in the living room chitchatting.

That is a typical weekday here. The days go quick and it has been pretty relaxing. Hope all is well at home!


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