
Welcome to my blog! I created this blog as a journal to record my experiences in Namibia. Enjoy!

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Location: Bronx, New York, United States

Friday, February 24, 2006

Suzie's Last Day

I am beginning to get into the rythm of things here and therefore the days may seem a little less exciting. With Suzie leaving today, the tourist portion of the trip will slow down a bit and MB and I will now be working in the mornings and the afternoons five days a week and saturday soccer games. Plus we will now be riding bikes all over town instead of using the car since it is just the two of us now.
Yesterday was enjoyable. We spent the afternoon at the BNC (The afterschool program we work every afternoon from 1-5... again, I WILL give specifics on that later.) Suzie was given a letter from her "favorite" girl, Martha which was very sweet and got Suzie choked up. Martha even gave Suzie six sweets, a HUGE thing for a little girl here to give up her sweets. I went off to the soccer fields with Tobias (one of the german housemates) and a bunch of BNC kids. The heat he is not overbearing but the sun is intense! I got burnt to a crisp and my face looks like a cherry. I woke up this morning and it looked like my nose melted. I have accepted the fact that my "tan" will consist of a dark face, lower arms, and lower legs!
Soccer was OK. The kids are a little disorganized but love to play. Many play in their bare feet on a field of pebbles and dirt. The problem with some of these kids is that if one is hit or hurt, they instinctively look to retaliate with a stone or hitting back. One 11 year old girl, Salomi, was kicked by an older kid and when I saw her reach for a stone, I ran over and grabbed it away from her. She was upset and crying so I held her for a few minutes and explained to her the importance of not retaliating. She seemed to get the message. I let her wear my sunglasses the rest of the game and she ran around smiling the whole time. She is a great soccer player and holds her own against the big kids. I am coming to like her a lot and when MB told me she doesnt read and has no confidence in reading, I have decided to rty to help her read. So everyday I think I will sit down with her for 20mins or so to help build her confidence.
Last night a bunch of us went out to Taal, a nice Indian restaurant since it was Suzie's last night. MB, Suzie, Fr. Rick, Barbara (a fun Australian lady from MB's rotary club), Sebastian, Kristen (two german housemates) and Ann (the young teacher from the states) and I all went. The food was excellent and the total cost came out to 70 Namibian dollars each (Only $11!!!!)
We got back and hung out. Today is Tobias' birthday so at midnight last night we toasted him with champagne and sung happy birthday. Tonight the younger group of us will go out and celebrate.
It is raining this morning- everyday there has been rain here... for two straight months which, although this is the rainy season, it is a lot of rain. Fortunately it doesn't rain all day and there is always sun in the afternoon and since this is an arid country, everything dries so quickly.
Have a good weekend everyone, talk to you soon... thanks for the emails!!


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