
Welcome to my blog! I created this blog as a journal to record my experiences in Namibia. Enjoy!

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Location: Bronx, New York, United States

Sunday, February 26, 2006


Well, two weeks here and all is well. Everyday (even weekends) I am doing something with the kids. Friday was a little tough because my sunburn was painful and every kid seemed to want to hang from my neck!

Friday night was Tobias' 25th birthday. He is one of the German housemates studying at the Polytechnic University across the street. Friday all of the young housemates (Myself, Sebastian, Michael, Kristen, TObias, and Mark) had a party for him and Sofie and Sandra and Annika (three other germans living cross town) and two new german guys who just arrived were also here. We played some drinking games and were at the house until midnight listening to music. Around midnight I was fairly well liquored up when I decided to gather one up to go dancing. Yes, it was my idea... I NEVER dance. Well, I never USED to dance because after MB piled all of us in the pickup truck and drove us to the club, I danced until 3am non-stop. I danced with any girl that would give me the time of day... both of them. By the end of the night I looked like a wet mop! Everyone was having a great time. Drinks are extremely cheap here. These guys are all great and very easy to get along with.

Saturday was soccer day. MB, Kristen, Steve (the Australian) and myself went to the soccer fields near the BNC and referred soccer games. Kristen and I were there until 2. It was OK, but I was left to referree the athletically challenged boys who were more prone to grazingin the field and bickering. Today MB and I will go ref another game which she claims will be more organized and more exciting.

Last night the five guys in the house had a braii (braai?) - a.k.a. a BBQ. Michael grilled steaks, lamb, and sausage. We were all pretty stuffed and tired from the night before. After dinner we walked to a backpacker's lodge where they have an outdoor bar poolside and sat around talking for a bit. Afterwards Mark, Tobias and I went to El Cubado, a spanish themed bar/lounge and hung out until midnight. It was very mellow and relaxing. I slept like a baby last night.


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