
Welcome to my blog! I created this blog as a journal to record my experiences in Namibia. Enjoy!

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Location: Bronx, New York, United States

Sunday, February 26, 2006


Housemates and friends. Top Row: Me, Sebastian, Mark, Sophie, Kristen, Michael, Tobias, Steve. Front: Suzie, Sandra, Ana, MB.

MaryBeth (MB) She is so selfless and the kids are a testament to her ability to teach and to love. Everything she does is for these kids and she never asks for anything in return.

Charlotte and her brother Ramashal. Probably my favorite picture yet. They are awesome and two of the best reasons for being here.

Me and Ramashal. He is very expressive and so full of joy. Also, very smart and loves to learn new languages and Suzie taught him some french expressions.

A typical dayat the BNC. Whenever the camera is out, every kid runs up asking you to "catch" them. The girl with the glasses is Michaela, Mersha's sister- she loves jumproping.

Suzmita... She is a tough cookie who is a paper tiger. At the pool she really warmed up to me since I took her into the deep end and stayed with her the whole time. Like all the kids, she really responds when I give individual attention. They don't seem to get that much at home.

Mersha looking like a million dollars.

Mersha, Innocentia, and Mayd. Mersha and Mayd are connected at the hip and all of these kids have smiles that make me melt. I can tell everyone that I need a break from holding them but if any of these three walk up, I give in. Mersha has big brown eyes and loves when I twirl her. Innocentia likes when I hold her and pretend to ballroom dance with her.

Me and Vanessa. She is adorable and LOVES to have me read to her. She is a little bit to herself amongst the other kids, but we spend a lot of time together.

Charlotte, myself, and Salomi. These are two of my favorite girls. Both are very helpful and always willing to clean up and help out. Salomi is the girl I mentioned in one blog who was kicked on the soccer field. (I THINK i mentioned that story) Anyway, Salomi does not know how to read and I am going to try to help.

Notice my nice sunburnt face?

Suzie with Martha. Martha took a particular liking to Suzie and even wrote her a letter for Suzie when she left and gave her some sweets.

Ok...I am trying to post some pictures... hopefully it works. Please email me if there are problems viewing.

Also, this is my third post of the day so don't forget to read the other two blog entries.

The first picture is of Innocentia (white shirt) reading with Tete. Innocentia is so sweet and has a great smile. Everyday she walks up to me in sort of a shy way and says hello. One of the great things about her is she is light so picking her up is no sweat!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Jimmy,

What you're doing over there is so utterly amazing it blows my mind. If looking at those pictures thousands of miles away on a computer screen moves me this much, I can only imagine what it would be like to witness it in person. I can't wait to hear more about all you're doing. Stay safe and know that I miss you like crazy. *Your* really something special. : )


3:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello James, haha too bad you can't hear the intonation that accompanies the James. I completely forgot that you were going to be in africa! That's just so awesome and from the pictures it looks like you're doing something incredible...and having fun while you're at it. Jess told me you sent a birthday card. I'm really sad because I don't think I got it but I feel really bad because you probably think I'm a jerk for not saying thank you. Soooo...thank you so much! I hope you are having an amazing time because you're a pretty amazing person.

5:00 PM  

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