
Welcome to my blog! I created this blog as a journal to record my experiences in Namibia. Enjoy!

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Location: Bronx, New York, United States

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Etosha National Park

Hi Everyone,
We got back from Etosha National Park yesterday after spending two days there. This is the big national park about 4.5 hours north of Windhoek. They claim to have all sorts of animals there but we did not see much. The reality is that this is the rainy season in Namibia so the park was very lush and very green so there was no need for the animals to come the watering holes near the roads since they could find plenty of water deeper in the park. I have a few pictures of the trip that will be posted shortly. We saw zebras, giraffes, wildebeast, oryx, ostriches, and some other animals but no lions, rhinos, or elephants. I would have loved to see the elephants.
On the way back down we stopped in a town and I was speaking with an american woman from north of Seattle and she said she was in the park the same time as we were but she saw elephants, lions and even a cheetah crossing the road. A lot of it comes down to luck- right place at the right time.
We drove to Okaukuejo which is the western end of the park and stayed in a chalet for the night. It was nice and comfortable like a cabin. The campsite is fenced off so at night the animals dont get in and attack humans. But there is a watering hole just outside the fence where the have benchs and lights at night to watch the animals. We didnt even see anything there either but there was a beautiful thunderstorm blowing in and a nice breeze which was very relaxing. That night we played Yahtzee and we ate pasta.
There was a log book in the lobby where people wrote about what they saw, etc. With nothing to of note to write about, I wrote down that we saw a penguin crossing the road. Truth is, we probably had as much chance to see a penguin as we did a lion!
Etosha was nice, but you spend the whole time in the car and with little wildlife, it seems like it would be better to wait until the dry season (July-October) I guess I have another reason to come back here.


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