
Welcome to my blog! I created this blog as a journal to record my experiences in Namibia. Enjoy!

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Location: Bronx, New York, United States

Thursday, February 16, 2006

My first few days (Pt. II)

Hello Again Everyone,
The transition from NY to Namibia has gone pretty smoothly. I sleep a lot at night but it is at a normal time and I do not feel anymore jet lag. The weather is a dry type of hot so though the sun is intense, the heat is actually not all that bad. It has even rained two days in a row for brief periods which is a bit uncommon.

The living situation here is very good. Along with MaryBeth and her sister Suzie who is here only for another 10 days, there are a bunch of young people going to school or working that live in the house with us. There are four germans (sebsation, mark, tobias, and kristen) and one canadian (michael) They are all very friendly and fluent in English! Since they are all single and in their twenties, theweekends should be fun and exciting. There are also two toher german girls who live in another part of town but who are over every day (Sandra and Sofie)

The first night here we had a going away party for an American girl who was on her way back to the states and it was a nice opportunity to meet everyone. Everyone is so nice but my only complaint might be what the Germans consider to be good american music... can you believe they don't listen to Michael Bolton!?!?

THere are other youngpeople working as volunteers at the BNC too(Thatisthe center where we work with the kids... more on that in a subsequent post) Germans are everywhere here, but there are a few Americans at the centre including Steve who is about 45 and Ann who is my age and a born teacher. She had dinner over her last night and her enthusiasm for teaching rivals MB's.

This weekend there is giant pool party for some 300 kids so that will be fun and a lot of work. Apparently the little children love the pool and laying out in the sun which is quite intense poolside. I, and I'm sure many of us American/Europeans will be fighting for space in the shade. By Monday Suzie, MB, and myself willl be heading to Etosha National Park to playwith the lions.

I will hopefully have a few pictures up of the kids before too long. I already have my favorites and love giving hugs. It is really sweet how they cuddle up next to you to read or play a puzzle or how the little ones will come up behind me and climb on my back and hug me. My next post I will talk more about the BNC.

Hope all is well in the states. I appreciate the emails... keep them coming!


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