
Welcome to my blog! I created this blog as a journal to record my experiences in Namibia. Enjoy!

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Location: Bronx, New York, United States

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Weekend #2

Friday was a reunion of sorts at the center. Susmitha, Salome, and Meroldi came back from the boarding school they are staying at and spent the afternoon at the center playing games. Tete also brought little Dalu by for the day, too. It was really nice having so many of the “old timers” as Steve (a former volunteer) calls them. We played cards, ping-pong, and four square. At the end of the day, an American named Harvey who used to volunteer at the center sent a HUGE cake to the kids to say goodbye. Unfortunately he couldn’t make it because he had some serious health issues. Marybeth led the kids in songs and the spirit in the center was great. I have always really enjoyed when she breaks out the guitar and sings songs with the kids. It was truly a wonderful day. I am so proud of how Esme, Salome, Susmitha, Meroldi, Milandri, et al are growing up and maturing though it is bittersweet since they come to the center less often. As great as the new crop of kids are, the original kids will always have my heart.

Friday night I was invited by Luke to go out with his wife and another couple to see a Norwegian Folk Jazz group perform. I have been having trouble sleeping so I figured it couldn’t hurt! They actually weren’t that bad- but it definitely was different. They didn’t look anything like those Capital One guys I see on TV though. I don’t know how their manager booked the gig, but it certainly is a long way from Norway. Check them out on MySpace! ( Luke and his wife are really nice and it was fun to be out of the house telling stories and drinking beers.

Saturday I tutored Milandri and Bonita until 1pm then I sent them to the Hungry Lion (think KFC) and we had lunch with Denzel and Salome. Afterwards Milandri and I walked to El Dorado Secondary School to help Marybeth coach the girls soccer program on the grass fields. Her soccer program has grown so much and deserves its own blog posting (stay tuned…) I refereed a few games then rode back home. In the evening I met my friend Nangula for drinks at the restaurant Nice across the street from the old house. The old house has been renovated, painted, and landscaped and apparently is now a bed and breakfast. It’s come a long way since being a “Worn out mattress on a dusty floor and breakfast” when I stayed there.

Sunday was a lazy day. I woke up late, watched a movie, did laundry and went grocery shopping. Marybeth came over around 5pm and we talked for an hour or so until Ajay showed up to make dinner and hang out. It’s great to see Ajay after all this time- he seems to be at home here in Namibia. Timna came back from Swakopmund and she and I hung out in the living room after MB and Ajay left sharing stories of our past trips to Namibia. (This is her third time here)

The first picture below is of some of the "old timers" playing cards. (Salome, Bonita, Tia-Zia, Susmitha, and Jennifer.) The next is of MB singing "Feelin' Groovy" with the kids. The third is of Salome and Esme. After that is Innocentia. Finally, there is a picture of Dalu all packed up awaiting postage before being shipped to the Bronx!!

I hope your weekend went well… God bless you!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's up Skip?!?! I've been keeping up with your posts...nice job out there my the way...the Yanks play the Royals in a few days...I will send you the long distance Box Score Updates...SWEEP! For the Yanks of course. *evil laugh*

Carlos O.

9:22 AM  

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