
Welcome to my blog! I created this blog as a journal to record my experiences in Namibia. Enjoy!

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Location: Bronx, New York, United States

Monday, August 11, 2008


This weekend Jakob, Thomas, Josh, and I piled into a little Citi Gulf and drove to Soussevlei, the world famous sand dunes in the Namib Desert. Planning this trip turned out to be a bit of a logistical nightmare as we spent the whole week arranging a van to take 8 of us there but at the last minute the van fell through and we were stuck with just a tiny car. The ride to the dunes is about 5 hours, 4.5 of which are on unpaved roads, but that little VW Citi Gulf took every bump and rock like a tank! We arrived at the dunes in the afternoon and spent some time climbing the dunes (which is exhausting) and taking pictures. When the sun goes down the shadows and colors are amazing! Driving back to camp around sunset was simply breathtaking. As the sun goes down the landscape turns a hue of purple making the dead yellow grass look bright green- it was something my little camera could not have captured. That sunset, along with the one I saw over the Kalahari last summer, is one of the two most beautiful sights I have seen.
We got back to camp just as it got dark, set up camp, and cooked some steaks, kabobs, and potatoes... it was primitive but delicious! Afterwards, since it was Jakob's birthday, we drank the night away under the stars... a lot of fun, but it made getting up at 4:30am to see sunrise a bit painful. The sunrise over Soussevlei is a big attraction and we were first in line of a caravan of cars driving out to see it. We climbed one of the dunes then stared out east, watching the sun rises over the desert- very beautiful!
The trip was a lot of fun and I am glad I finally got a chance to head out there. Next weekend we are going to Swakopmund with 30 of the kids from the BNC which should be another memorable trip. I'm looking forward to it! Below are some pictures from Soussevlei and the rest of my trip so far.
Hope you are all well...!


Blogger Unknown said...

From the look of the pictures the 5 hour car ride was totally worth it.

1:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love my nephew Jim..I am so proud of you...Looks like their is alot of sand over there..Can you bring back a bag of sand???

3:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

great pictures!!!
keep on enjoying =)
and if you bring a bag of sand to aunt gert please bring her also my greetings =)

6:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Jim! Its Katy and I am in Montauk right now next to my dad, Gert and Nathan.. Dad and I went to the beach today but the waves weren't that good. We miss you and hope you are having a great time. Hopefully I will be able to do what you are doing when I am older.. P.S. Great Pics!

4:12 PM  
Blogger Raisa said...

Hola Jim,
It's your fellow Fellow, Raisa.
Wow, I am so happy to be able to follow your experiences in Namibia from here in Florida.
I know nothing about Namibia so the pictures and the word portraits you paint about the country and the students fascinate me.

I will eventually start reading your older blogs from your previous trip there before I ask any questions about the country/culture.


3:50 PM  

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