
Welcome to my blog! I created this blog as a journal to record my experiences in Namibia. Enjoy!

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Location: Bronx, New York, United States

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Aunt Gert's Hat

All is well in Windhoek. The past few days at the center have been enjoyable. I am back to running the computer room and while I am in there I have found myself helping Dora and Susmitha prepare for end of term exams. There are moments in each day with the kids that make me smile and just like before, they are the best part of my day.

The house continues to be packed with bodies laying everywhere but we manage. I sneak over to the house where Marybeth is housesitting for a hot shower every few days. Last night we went out drinking at the local backpacker's lodge and then into town for more fun at another bar.

The last time I was here Aunt Gert had stopped in a local craft center and while browsing she got in a conversation with a woman who worked there. The woman took a particular interest in Aunt Gert's hat - the hat had a HUGE frisbee sized brim and a puffy, mushroom shaped topped with many colors and at Aunt Gert's urging, the woman decided to make her own and sell them at the craft center. The woman must have made about 15 of them and Aunt Gert immediately bought 4 of them to help the woman on her way. Yesterday I decided to stop by to see how well Aunt Gert's hat was selling and if there were any more. I found one or two on the top shelf and asked the woman about the hats and told her the story of my aunt. I asked her if they were selling well and with irritation in her voice she said, "Not really" and walked away!


Blogger Katharina said...

how funny!
well, i have to tell, i really liked them!

7:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


4:06 PM  

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