
Welcome to my blog! I created this blog as a journal to record my experiences in Namibia. Enjoy!

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Location: Bronx, New York, United States

Friday, July 09, 2010

No More Jet Lag

Good morning!

I finally left the airport last night with Marybeth around 730pm. Not much to do in the Hosea Kutako Airport for 5 hours!! A friend of Marybeth's picked us up and we sat in the back of the pickup truck catching up on the 45 minute ride back to Windhoek. Marybeth does a lot of housesitting and for the next few days I will be staying at one of the houses... it's reallllly nice! (See the pictures) It feels like I am in the foothills of Phoenix.

Today will be the first day at the center... lots of hugs and a good way to get back in the groove of things since it is Friday. MB says that Mon-Thurs the kids do academics and Friday is game day. In addition to tutoring during the afternoon, I hope to visit schools in the mornings and do more individual tutoring with some of the older kids during the day. The next few days should be pretty calm and quiet around here as many of the other volunteers have left for a weekend trip to the game park Etosha.

Looking forward to seeing all the (not so little) kiddies today!! Will take pictures and post this weekend. Hope all is well... God bless!


Blogger Farid Reyes said...

Espero que no hayas recibido este mensaje mas de una vez. Espero que estes bien y disfrutando de la buena vida. Cuidate. Las fotos estan muy bonitas y me traen recuerdos de algunos pueblitos en Colombia.

1:37 PM  

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