
Welcome to my blog! I created this blog as a journal to record my experiences in Namibia. Enjoy!

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Location: Bronx, New York, United States

Friday, July 30, 2010

Daily News

Another week at the center has come to an end. The 5th and 6th graders are working on their writing pieces and Bonita and I have been meeting every morning to study Geography, History, and Life Science. Katy seems to be having a good time at the center and she has made friends with the kids and the volunteers. With the “old-timers” not coming to the center as much I have had a chance to get to know a lot of new kids. Tons of characters! I have enjoyed goofing around with the boys a little more this time around… a lot of the 5th and 6th grade boys are really pleasant young men.

Tuesday night I played tennis with some of MaryBeth’s lady friends. It’s great for the old ego to win in ladies social doubles playing against a 60 year old woman and a mother of three. Wednesday night we took Katy out to Joe’s Beer House to try some exotic game. She ordered beef… she’s so adventurous. I offered her a bite of the zebra steak I had ordered but instead I just put a green pepper on her plate from my salad. She asked why it was green and I told her because it was the way the meat was cooked. When she tentatively bit into it she was surprised at how much she liked it- and how much it tasted like a vegetable! Thursday night Timna, Simon and I went out to Karaoke with the American girls who have been volunteering at the center. This is their last weekend in the country so they were in a celebrating mood. It was nice being out and having drinks with everyone. The karaoke experience is funny- the bar is packed, everyone smokes like a chimney, and half the songs are in Afrikaans. I wasn’t able to drink enough before 2am to get my pipes in tune!

Katy and I are getting up bright and early tomorrow to drive to Swakopmund (on the coast) to see the sand dunes and hang out by the beach. She has been a trooper- I hope to show her a good time this weekend. We’ll be back Sunday night … enjoy your weekend!! God bless you!


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