
Welcome to my blog! I created this blog as a journal to record my experiences in Namibia. Enjoy!

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Location: Bronx, New York, United States

Monday, July 26, 2010

Katy's Here!

It's been a few days since I have gotten on here. This trip is certainly keeping me busy and each day passes very quickly. There is a lot that I wanted to do personally (reading, writing, etc.) and volunter-wise (working on the website, planning, etc.) that I have not had time to really do.

Friday was a quiet day as I worked the Big Room and passed out puzzles and games to the kids who were hanging around and I also sorted books. (Friday is game day so it's very casual) Friday night Timna, Simon and I just bummed around the house and watched a movie.

Saturday morning I stuffed 14 kids into the Mercedes and drove them over to a tennis tournament on the other side of town (Windhoek West) After dropping off kids and volunteers I went to the airport to pick up my cousin, Katy Marie!! She had a super easy flight and connection and made it to Windhoek safe and sound with all her luggage and no hassles- thank God! Katy had enough energy to follow me to the soccer fields. After I dropped her off with MaryBeth at the soccer field, I ran back to tennis and picked up the kids who had finished. I then drove back to the center, dropped off the kids and drove Timna back to the house. Once all the taxi driving was done, I stayed at the soccer field for an hour or so kicking the ball around with Dios, Macrenne, Esme, Sheola, Jennifer and a few others. We all went back to the center around 4pm where MB was getting some work done and about 30 kids just hung out playing four square and soccer. As simple as it sounds, it was actually a lot of fun- it's so nice just hanging out into the evening with the kids laughing and playing games outside the center- they have so much joy and are so care-free. They would have stayed until midnight had it not gotten dark.

Saturday was also Ajay's birthday- he's an old roommate from years past- so Timna, Simon, Katy and I went over to his friend's house for a braai. (Braai = BBQ) Katy fell asleep in the car so after I got some food in her I drove her back home, put her to sleep, then went back to the party and picked up Nangula on the way back. We stayed at Ajay's until about midnight then Nangula, Timna, Simon and I went out to a club/bar. Those three got right to dancing and I leaned against the wall to provide structural support for the building. While I was watching the three of them, Martha, a teacher in Katutura who I have met from years past, happened to be there so we caught up for a little while. Late into the morning when they had enough dancing so we headed back to the house.

Sunday was lazy... I met MB for tennis and was up one set to none when we stopped and just sat around on the tennis court chatting. (I think this was a ploy on her part to avoid her first defeat!) In the evening Cathy and her husband Mike came over as well as three others (Sandra- a German volunteer, and Susanne and Rico, a couple from Europe who run a website business) We had a delicious stir fry, bread, cheese, and 3 homemade desserts. It was very enjoyable hosting everyone.

Today was Katy's first day at the center tutoring (she was there Saturday playing 4 square with the kids) She worked one on one with Denzel in the morning then seemed to fit right in throughout the afternoon- she has a great attitude about everything. This evening we watched a movie and lounged around then Simon, Katy, and I played some cards.

This week is shaping up to be a typical week of volunteering at the center. The kids are coming along with their writing pieces that we have been working on, though I do feel the stress of finishing before I leave in a few weeks. Katy, Simon, Timna, and I are looking into heading up North to Etosha (the animal park) next weekend and this weekend I hope to take Katy to Swakopmund to see the dunes.

Thank you all for your emails... it's nice to hear from home every now and then. God bless you!


Blogger Aunt Gert said...

The continent of Africa is blessed to have the distant descendants of Maggie and Neil Murphy spreading their goodness! What a gift you are to US kids EVERYWHERE... I love you!

12:14 PM  

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