
Welcome to my blog! I created this blog as a journal to record my experiences in Namibia. Enjoy!

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Location: Bronx, New York, United States

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Grandma is Staying!

We just got news that Cathy (a.k.a Grandma) and her husband, Mike, are staying in Namibia for two more years! Mike works for the government of New Zealand and Grandma has been volunteering at the center for a few years.

Grandma’s presence, patience, care, and love cannot be overstated. Since I have known her she has shown such consistent, genuine love for all the kids at the center. It was Grandma who really pushed to make the center’s focus be on academics and she has kept on the children about their grades and enrollment ever since with the type of love and affection that you would expect from your own grandma. The children are blessed to have her for another few years… they are in the best hands.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was very touching! I cant imagine how fulfilling that experience is to g-ma and and for you guys to see somebody committed to humanity at such high level!

Te cuidas~


8:30 AM  

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