
Welcome to my blog! I created this blog as a journal to record my experiences in Namibia. Enjoy!

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Location: Bronx, New York, United States

Friday, March 16, 2007

Looking Back

I woke up this morning around 9:30 to get a final load of laundry done and to begin packing and clearing out my stuff. My three month journey has come to an end. When I came into the living room to eat my bowl of cereal the computer was on so I began looking through some of the pictures I have taken. Seeing all the smiles and all the people that have come into my life- it was the first time I have felt sad in three months. Throughout my stay I tried to remain conscious of the fact that it would come to an end and really tried to immerse myself in each experience as it happened. I arrived not expecting too much- I did not expect to have as much fun or feel as rewarded as before but looking back, I think this trip was even more special. My relationships with the children grew and there were so many new and wonderful people I met this time around. There are frustrations that come with living in Namibia, but the good times dwarf the memories of the insane taxi drivers. I am blessed to have had three more months with Salome, Esme, and Romachell. I love everything about them. I will miss their hugs, their laughs, and their beauty. Every child, not just those three, will always be a warm memory in my heart. Every picture is a link to a thousand memories. But now it's time to go home and start saving for my next visit.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I enjoyed reading your blog.It brought back so many of the pleasant experiences of my stay in Namibia. I do wish I had gone with you on the trip to Vic Falls.
I'm presently taking a class in Travel Writing and researching possible places e.g.newspapers to pitch an article. Your trip and experiences would make a great article. If you're interested I can send you some info on how to get started or I would be happy to collaborate with you on putting something together.
Anyway, for my own article, could you give me some specific info? Some prices, approximate will do, for dinner at Joe's Beer House, and the names and prices for dinners at any other restaurants. Any description of dinners will help too. I have the kabobs but don't know where you ate them.
Also, you went bar hopping. Any info, names and just a few words to describe them.
Welcome back to the "real world," hope the adjustment is going well.
Cheers and say hi to Aunt Gert

6:51 AM  

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