
Welcome to my blog! I created this blog as a journal to record my experiences in Namibia. Enjoy!

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Location: Bronx, New York, United States

Monday, March 12, 2007

Final Weekend

My final weekend in Windhoek has come and gone. Friday was MB's parent's last day at the center and afterwards we had a goodbye braai for them with the usual volunteers and friends of MaryBeth attending. The food and company were good and afterwards six of us went out bar-hopping for the night.
Saturday was a little rough since we got back late and I didn't show up to soccer until 1pm. The kids called me Sleepyhead the whole day. Soccer was enjoyable and I spent most of the day hanging around with Esme. Saturday night Nina, Ajay, Andrew and I sat down to watch the movie Serenity but as a result of being out so late and the movie being so bad, we all fell asleep before the movie was over.
Sunday was another swimming pool day. (I think that makes 5 pool days for me this trip.) The pool was really enjoyable and we were there from 10-6. In the evening some of us went out to an African restaurant for dinner.
As I expected, this whole trip went really quick. I think back to arriving in December and now all of it seems like a blur or a dream. Even as I try to appreciate the moments, it still feels like the experiences have passed me by. I still have a lot of time left this week with the kids and the friends I have made here and will enjoy each moment as it comes, but I know in a week I will be gone and the whole 3 months will be photographs and memories. I suppose I could have stayed a little longer or had my visa extended, but inevitably I would have to say goodbye. The reassuring thing for me, which makes it easier to leave, is that I truly believe I will see the kids again. They ask me occasionally when I will be back and I tell them "I don't know, but I don't think when we say goodbye on Saturday it will be the last time we ever say goodbye to each other."


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