
Welcome to my blog! I created this blog as a journal to record my experiences in Namibia. Enjoy!

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Location: Bronx, New York, United States

Monday, August 04, 2008

The Godfather

Hello again,

I have a few minutes to write on here finally! All is well in Namibia and I have had a great first week getting to see the kids, catching up, meeting new friends, and reacquainting with old friends. Everyday with the kids is a blessing and every night at home provides some sort of entertainment. Last night was Ajay's birthday party and about 20 people were here to celebrate. It was a lot of fun and Ajay serenaded us with "Take me home, country roads." The housemates and I have planned a camping trip to the dunes next weekend and maybe a trip to Swakopmund the following weekend. I wish I had time to tell all the details of the past few days and post pictures- maybe soon!

Despite the fun though, I have decided to return home five days earlier than planned. This trip has allowed me time to reflect on a lot and I realize that Namibia was a great experience but my place for now is back in NY. I have a great job and am at a great point in my life back there. This trip in a way is sort of like The Godfather Part III. The first two trips, like the Godfather series, were amazing and memorable. The third time around though I have found that in many ways it is more of the same. Like the movie, I think I had to make this trip to realize that the adventure has run its course. I do not regret coming and will enjoy myself while I am here, but I am ready for the next chapter in my life. I am grateful for so much that these trips to Namibia have taught me. I have experienced so much and met so many wonderful people. Most of all, I have learned a lot about myself and what makes me happy. These next few weeks will be great, but I am ready to come home.


Blogger Unknown said...

well, well... I'm glad you have come to a realization that you have a good thing back here in NY. The Godfather reference was a little over the top. I hope you have accomplished whatever it is you were trying to accomplish by going to Namibia. For one thing, its always fun to here the stories and see your face light up like a christmas tree when you talk about the kids and the experience. I will continue to try and stay updated on your blog, as long as you continue to post. Perhaps when you come back we can sit down and catch-up at some point. When do you plan to be back?

12:51 PM  

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