
Welcome to my blog! I created this blog as a journal to record my experiences in Namibia. Enjoy!

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Location: Bronx, New York, United States

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Back from Vacation

Good Evening...
Hope you enjoyed the last blog about the trip to Victoria Falls. If you missed it, scroll down. As nice as it was being away, it was just as nice to come back to the center. Being away made me appreciate the conveniences of Windhoek.
Friday we went to the center but they are putting down a new driveway and parking lot so the center was closed and we took the kids down to the soccer fields for the afternoon. As luck would have it, MaryBeth got permission to use the grass field for the afternoon so the kids were running around laughing and having a great time. It was nice to be back with the kids after a week away.
Saturday was soccer day once again. The soccer program has gotten back up to over 20 teams and the day was full of games. The older boys have taken over as referees and do a great job controlling the games. I was simply a spectator on Saturday sitting in the shade of a tree. Esme, Salome, and Romachell were there the whole day and I spent most of the time with them. It is nice when Esme or Salome hops onto my lap and we just sit there watching the games being played. Aunt Gert treated me to a nice steak dinner at night.
Today was a nice day. In the morning, I did some things around the house and then around 2pm rode over to the center to spend some more time with the kids. I had asked Esme and Romachell weeks ago to take me around Katutura and we finally got around to doing it today. I met Romachell, Esme, Bonitha, Heldon, Salome, and Melandri and we went walking through Katutura. I had heard that Soweto Market was an interesting place to see in the area but it was really nothing more than a few hair-weaving salons. I considered getting my hair braided, but at the advice of the kids, I decided against it. We spent some time walking through the park but Esme was hungry and becoming quite restless. It was funny to see little sweet Esme turn ravenous as she became completely consumed with the thought of food and would have nothing to do with anyone. At the park she urged the others to leave so we could get food. We finally decided to go to KFC and I treated them to some chicken, fries, mashed potatoes, and sodas. They were all grateful but Esme pulled the whole tray of food to herself and started feasting, neglecting the other kids. When the others reached over for their share of the food, she called them jackals. It was pretty funny.
After KFC we were walking back to the center and at a parking lot there was a slopping retaining wall about 15 feet high and the kids grabbed cardboard boxes and made make-shift sleds and went sliding down the wall. It was really fun to watch them play for an hour without a care in the world. It was such a simple, innocent time and riding down on the cardboard boxes was actually pretty fun.
I left the kids around 6pm and went back home to shower and go out to dinner with Aunt Gert, MB, Nina, Erica, Ajay, and Andrew at the restaurant Nice across the street from the house. Aunt Gert treated again (so much for the inheritance) and the dinner was really delicious- very high end and fancy. It was nice sitting around the dinner table with everyone.
The weekend was nice and mellow and tomorrow I will be driving Aunt Gert back to the airport. Six weeks went quickly. I think she really enjoyed herself. Hope all is well with you...


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