
Welcome to my blog! I created this blog as a journal to record my experiences in Namibia. Enjoy!

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Location: Bronx, New York, United States

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Leavng soon...

Tomorrow I say goodbye to Namibia. It really has been a great experience this time around and I am grateful for all the people who have come into my life down here. I hate having to say goodbye to the kids, but it is inevitable. When I get home I will post one more blog entry with pictures from this trip... so please look for it this weekend!!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Swakopmund with the Kids

This past weekend we went to Swakopmund with about 30 of the kids from the BNC for the weekend. The idea of the trip was for the children to perform songs in Swakopmund and to see the ocean and sand dunes. It turned out to be an amazing weekend and the kids really enjoyed themselves.
We left Saturday morning, MB drove the bus full of children and I drove a car full of volunteers. When the kids arrived we went straight to the beach and they played for a few hours in the sand and water. Felix and I chased kids around and threw them in the water. After spending the afternoon at the ocean, we went back to the bungalows and had dinner and the kids got settled for the night. They really loved being in the bungalows and playing "house". There was so much joy on their faces the whole weekend. In the morning, Salome, Meroldi, and Sanet ran into my room and woke me up. Cathy arranged free sandboarding for the kids so we spent a few hours sandboarding in the dunes. Think of it as sledding down a HUGE hill at fast speeds- it is really exciting. Afterwards we went back to the beach for a few hours then road home.
I really enjoyed myself this weekend- being with the kids remains a wonderful experience and they still hold a special place in my heart.
I have tried to upload some pictures from the weekend but with no luck... I will try to do it in the next few days! Hope all is well...

Monday, August 11, 2008


This weekend Jakob, Thomas, Josh, and I piled into a little Citi Gulf and drove to Soussevlei, the world famous sand dunes in the Namib Desert. Planning this trip turned out to be a bit of a logistical nightmare as we spent the whole week arranging a van to take 8 of us there but at the last minute the van fell through and we were stuck with just a tiny car. The ride to the dunes is about 5 hours, 4.5 of which are on unpaved roads, but that little VW Citi Gulf took every bump and rock like a tank! We arrived at the dunes in the afternoon and spent some time climbing the dunes (which is exhausting) and taking pictures. When the sun goes down the shadows and colors are amazing! Driving back to camp around sunset was simply breathtaking. As the sun goes down the landscape turns a hue of purple making the dead yellow grass look bright green- it was something my little camera could not have captured. That sunset, along with the one I saw over the Kalahari last summer, is one of the two most beautiful sights I have seen.
We got back to camp just as it got dark, set up camp, and cooked some steaks, kabobs, and potatoes... it was primitive but delicious! Afterwards, since it was Jakob's birthday, we drank the night away under the stars... a lot of fun, but it made getting up at 4:30am to see sunrise a bit painful. The sunrise over Soussevlei is a big attraction and we were first in line of a caravan of cars driving out to see it. We climbed one of the dunes then stared out east, watching the sun rises over the desert- very beautiful!
The trip was a lot of fun and I am glad I finally got a chance to head out there. Next weekend we are going to Swakopmund with 30 of the kids from the BNC which should be another memorable trip. I'm looking forward to it! Below are some pictures from Soussevlei and the rest of my trip so far.
Hope you are all well...!

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Aunt Gert's Hat

All is well in Windhoek. The past few days at the center have been enjoyable. I am back to running the computer room and while I am in there I have found myself helping Dora and Susmitha prepare for end of term exams. There are moments in each day with the kids that make me smile and just like before, they are the best part of my day.

The house continues to be packed with bodies laying everywhere but we manage. I sneak over to the house where Marybeth is housesitting for a hot shower every few days. Last night we went out drinking at the local backpacker's lodge and then into town for more fun at another bar.

The last time I was here Aunt Gert had stopped in a local craft center and while browsing she got in a conversation with a woman who worked there. The woman took a particular interest in Aunt Gert's hat - the hat had a HUGE frisbee sized brim and a puffy, mushroom shaped topped with many colors and at Aunt Gert's urging, the woman decided to make her own and sell them at the craft center. The woman must have made about 15 of them and Aunt Gert immediately bought 4 of them to help the woman on her way. Yesterday I decided to stop by to see how well Aunt Gert's hat was selling and if there were any more. I found one or two on the top shelf and asked the woman about the hats and told her the story of my aunt. I asked her if they were selling well and with irritation in her voice she said, "Not really" and walked away!

Monday, August 04, 2008

The Godfather

Hello again,

I have a few minutes to write on here finally! All is well in Namibia and I have had a great first week getting to see the kids, catching up, meeting new friends, and reacquainting with old friends. Everyday with the kids is a blessing and every night at home provides some sort of entertainment. Last night was Ajay's birthday party and about 20 people were here to celebrate. It was a lot of fun and Ajay serenaded us with "Take me home, country roads." The housemates and I have planned a camping trip to the dunes next weekend and maybe a trip to Swakopmund the following weekend. I wish I had time to tell all the details of the past few days and post pictures- maybe soon!

Despite the fun though, I have decided to return home five days earlier than planned. This trip has allowed me time to reflect on a lot and I realize that Namibia was a great experience but my place for now is back in NY. I have a great job and am at a great point in my life back there. This trip in a way is sort of like The Godfather Part III. The first two trips, like the Godfather series, were amazing and memorable. The third time around though I have found that in many ways it is more of the same. Like the movie, I think I had to make this trip to realize that the adventure has run its course. I do not regret coming and will enjoy myself while I am here, but I am ready for the next chapter in my life. I am grateful for so much that these trips to Namibia have taught me. I have experienced so much and met so many wonderful people. Most of all, I have learned a lot about myself and what makes me happy. These next few weeks will be great, but I am ready to come home.