
Welcome to my blog! I created this blog as a journal to record my experiences in Namibia. Enjoy!

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Location: Bronx, New York, United States

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Etosha and Katy's Last Days

I just dropped Katy off at the airport a few hours ago and she should be on her way across the Atlantic. She was really impressive as a volunteer- she was always up for anything they needed at the center and she made a lot of rewarding relationships with the kids. On top of all that it was nice to have her here as a roommate and travel companion- she is a wonderful young lady.

So... on to the update...

Saturday morning we loaded up the car and the four of us set off for the North. The car was packed with camping supplies and our bags. Simon and I split the driving duties through the wide open country. Our first stop was Okahandja, an hour north of Windhoek for more souvenir shopping. Then we drove 2.5 hours towards Omaruru where we stopped for a few hours to hike and see prehistoric rock paintings at Ai-Aiba Lodge. It was pretty mesmerizing to stand in front of such old history.

Late in the afternoon we drove up to Etosha Safari Camp just outside the park and camped there for the night. The lodge had a lot of character but we were too exhausted from a long day of travelling to take advantage of it.

We awoke before sunrise, packed the car in the dark, and headed the last 10km to get to Etosha. Etosha is a HUGE game park known for its variety of animals and good animal viewing- especially this time of year. I had been there in 2006 but then it was the rainy season so there was not a lot to see. Different story this time! The idea is to drive from water hole to water hole looking for game. Some prefer to pick a water hole and stay for hours others hop from one to the next taking their chances. We did a little of both.

Early in the day we saw a herd of elephants (two babies!) crossing the road right in front of us!! They are the most enchanting animals to watch- they are absolutely massive! We continued to drive seeing zebra, springbok, wildebeest, giraffes and many other animals. Around noon we pulled up to a watering hole with lots of cars where two lionesses were sitting in the grass hunting springbok and zebra!! We sat for about an hour hoping to witness a kill but it never happened. Still, just watching "the dance" between predator and prey was fascinating.

The rest of the day was spent between different waterholes where we saw some hyenas which are somewhat uncommon. At night we camped at Halali Camp which is in the middle of the park. It was unimpressive but a place to rest our head. There is a water hole there and after sunset we walked to check it out where 5 rhinos (2 babies!!) were drinking.

The next morning we got up early for the 6 hour ride back to Windhoek. On the way out of the park a leopard walked right out into the middle of the road!! It was an amazing (and rare) sight to see. The leopard showed no fear and sauntered slowly to the side of the road where it sat in the bush and stared at us. We got very lucky to see lions, elephants, leopards, and rhinos in such a short trip!!

The ride back home was long and uneventful but we got back quick enough to spend the day at the center. As nice as the travelling is, there really is nothing better than a day at the center. Monday night Tara and her boyfriend and Nangula came over for hamburgers. Tara is a Namibian girl who has been involved with the center through the years but she now runs her own program in the northern region. MaryBeth joined us after her rotary meeting finished. It was a nice evening but we were pretty exhausted from the long weekend.

Tuesday was Katy and Timna's last day. Katy, Simon and I went into town to have breakfast and to get Katy some last minute souvenirs. At the center the 5th and 6th graders are almost done publishing their pieces- they should all be done by tomorrow and we will celebrate their work on Monday. At the end of the day at the center, the kids gave 1,000 hugs to Katy and Timna as the said goodbye.

Tuesday was my last evening of ladies' doubles. They have been a lot of fun. Afterwards I met Simon, Timna, Katy, Amoretta (a volunteer from Maine), MB, Shaun and Scobi for pizza.

So that's where I've been these past few days... all good times! Now that it's just Simon and I in the house, things are pretty calm and quiet. There are a few days left here... I catch a bus Monday evening for Cape Town, leave for Amsterdam on Wednesday, and fly home on Friday... it's gone so quickly!

I hope all is well with you... God Bless you!


Blogger Aunt Gert said...

What a wonderful trip! The pix and the description are also wonderful! (And the word "wonderful" can't be overused when it comes to certain people!)

6:46 AM  
Blogger Aunt Gert said...

What a wonderful trip! The pix and the description are also wonderful! (And the word "wonderful" can't be overused when it comes to certain people!)

6:47 AM  
Blogger Aunt Gert said...

What a wonderful trip! The pix and the description are also wonderful! (And the word "wonderful" can't be overused when it comes to certain people!)

6:47 AM  
Blogger Aunt Gert said...

What a wonderful trip! The pix and the description are also wonderful! (And the word "wonderful" can't be overused when it comes to certain people!)

6:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've eaten springbok before. Quite tasty.

9:33 PM  
Blogger Marloes said...

Whaaa.. Jim you are back! Sounds great!! I saw all familiair faces on the pics, the kids.. Simon, Timna.. it is great to see how everybody is doing! Give the kids a big hug from me and big greets to MB, Timna, Simon and of course yourself!

4:23 AM  

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