
Welcome to my blog! I created this blog as a journal to record my experiences in Namibia. Enjoy!

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Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Tennis, Anyone?

Good morning...
It is another beautiful morning here in exotic Windhoek and I am eating Fruit Loops.
Tuesday was a very productive day- one of my most productive days as an adult, which is not saying much. I woke up, made a grocery list, put my clothes in the laundry (after taking Sebastian's out and hanging them) then I went to the grocery store and bought a weeks worth of food for under $50 and I did not buy a single cookie, chip, beer, or ice cream. I came home, hung my clothes on the line, put my food away, ate breakfast, did some dishes, made my bed then rode the bike to the post office then the BNC. When I got home at night I made myself some steak, potatoes and grilled onions and mushrooms, did the dishes, folded my laundry, and read a little. All in all, I did OK as an adult.
At the BNC I worked in the "computer lab" with a few boys letting them work on different educational software. The computers work adequately but are definatelynot what I am use to. The kids seemed to enjoy it though. We are trying to get everyone to do a certain activity on a certain day, to have some organization and to give the kids a reliable routine.
After the BNC, MB and I played a little tennis. While warming up for the first hour I was doing excellent and feeling confident. Many of my errors are unforced and I find when I just get it over the net, instead of forcing shots, I win a lot of points. So we decided to play a match and I quickly jumped out to a 4-1 lead in the first set. Then the wheels came flying off. Two of the little BNC girls (Miraldi and Innocentia) snuck onto the courts to watch and according to MB brought her good luck. That seems to be a fair assesment as I went on to lose the match 6-4, 6-1. Yes, I lost 11 of the next 12 games. On the bright side, I was a lot more competitive than the previous time and many of the games were quite close. That being said, I was steaming through the ears at the way I choked in the end and if those kids were not there a few balls might have been hit over the fence and swearing would have ensued.
MB rewarded her "good luck charms" with a ride home in the back of the pickup truck and some sweets. Charlotte and Salome showed up at the truck as we were leaving and got a lift home as well. Riding in the back with them and seeing them laugh and smile cooled the anger from tennis and made losing fun. At the end of the ride all four of them gave us hugs goodbye- I can't wait to see them again.


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